It’s that time of year again: Terra Nova Testing

In Consortium schools, we administer standardized tests to help us gather data on student achievement – and then apply that data to affect change and growth in our classrooms. The Terra Nova test are designed to assess specific skills and knowledge compared to our Archdiocese of Omaha curriculum standards.

We know the following tactics are easier said than done, but we recommend you discuss these test tips and prepare as a family.


God will provide!

Get plenty of sleep!

More than eight hours for elementary school age students if possible.

Eat well! 

We encourage you to eat a protein-packed breakfast the morning of all tests, which will help with ability to concentrate. Be sure to also eat healthy, nutritious breakfast, lunch, dinners and snacks the entire testing period.

Take your time!

We mean this is in the sense that it’s never good to rush while taking a test, but please do be on time for school on test days. J

Go with your gut!

Remind students to use their best guess and go with first instinct (after eliminating the answers you know to be incorrect).  Also, it’s always better to make a guess than leave an answer blank!


Students will take their cues from parents, so please try to set an example of calmness that will help students become more at ease and set them up to do well.

PLUS, it’s just a test! None of this will predict a child’s future!

Lastly, students may be more tired during Terra Nova testing time; they’re working hard, after all! Take their lead and remember specific questions (vs. a general “how was the test?”) will be better received.  Thank you for partnering with us on your child’s Catholic education.