Get to Know: Fr. Frank Baumert
Fr. Frank Baumert will become pastor of St. Thomas More Catholic Church in July, coming from St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, where he has worked with students at St. James/Seton for several years. The Consortium is excited to welcome Fr. Baumert into our schools and to introduce him briefly here.
Q. How long have you been a priest and what is your favorite part about the job?
A. I have been a priest since 1978 and my favorite part of being a priest is the variety of tasks. No two days are alike, which is one of the reasons that moving from one parish assignment to another is not a problem for me but is just another adventure.
Q. How would you describe the value of Catholic education?
A. Through baptism we become children of God who is King of Heaven. For this reason, we need to be in training to become princes and princesses in heaven. Catholic education is a wonderful part of that training.
Q. What are some ways in which you recommend that families can grow in their faith lives together?
A. Having conversations on how prince and princess training is going for each person is a great way to stay on track.
Q. Can you tell us a unique fact about yourself?
A. I have been in all fifty states, seven Canadian provinces, and about 25 other countries around the world. I even got to kayak on the Sea of Galilee.
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