Creating Bright Futures in Christ
A Campaign Building on the Legacy of Catholic Education in Southeast Omaha
YOU are making the dream of affordable Catholic education come true. The nearly 1,700 students, 105 teachers and 125 additional staff across our six Catholic schools in southeast Omaha say thank you for making all we do possible.
Watch our campaign videoThe Vision
Catholic schools have been a part of southeast Omaha for over 100 years, and we are working to ensure that it stays for another 100 years.
The Bright Futures campaign address needs that go beyond the day-to-day operations. In addition to providing contingency funds, campaign supporters will allow us to address strategic objectives to help our schools flourish for generations to come. Key campaign objectives are listed below, and we invite you to consider how you may become involved.

Amazing things happen in our Consortium schools every day.
The families enrolled in our schools make a conscious choice to fund their child(ren)'s education in our Catholic schools. For many of them, it is a sacrifice. We hope this campaign will help with this, by encouraging financial gifts toward families in South Omaha who need assistance to make Catholic education accessible and affordable. The legacy of Catholic education in this area was started over a century ago, and it is as important to families as it ever was.
Your prayers and financial support toward our Creating Bright Futures in Christ campaign are much appreciated.
Every dollar raised will directly and positively impact the education of children enrolled in our six schools. The success of this fundraising campaign is crucial to ensure our schools can remain accessible and attractive options for Omaha families.
Support for the Consortium extends far and wide
Make Your Gift
Gifts made by cash or check are most common as they provide an immediate impact on the needs of the Consortium. However, gifts in various forms are also accepted, including: credit cards, securities, real estate, planned gifts, corporate matching gifts.
Pledge or Donate Online